
Tabloid Covers – Great Headline Ideas


Some of the greatest copywriters work for tabloid papers.

Their job is to get maximum effect from the readers who eye ball the front page.

Every word and picture is very carefully chosen with a lot of thought and craft.

They take great care into what they want the readers to think and the thought process afterwards.

It’s very important to them you are persuaded right from the beginning, they want to grab a hold of you and entice you to turn the pages.

Once this is done their job is done. The rest of the process belongs to the author of the article to suck you into the copy.


The 1990s were a transformative decade for tabloid magazines. From the UK to the United States and beyond, the era saw the rise of some of the most outrageous, entertaining, and viral headlines ever.

If you’re looking for inspiration for your next headline, you’ll find it in this book: Tabloid Covers of the 1990s – Great Headline Ideas.

Here is what you will get from this ebook:

1. Gain inspiration for creating your own unique headlines.
2. Learn how to capture readers’ attention with clever and eye-catching titles.
3. Discover the best tactics for creating powerful headlines that entice readers to click.
4. Learn how to use keywords to make headlines more searchable.
5. Understand why certain headlines worked to attract readers in the 1990s.
6. Find tips for crafting compelling headlines that stand out from the crowd.
7. Learn how to write headlines that are short, snappy, and effective.
8. Get ideas for creating headlines that are both creative and informative.
9. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the techniques used to create top-selling tabloid covers.
10. Discover the secrets to making headlines that are both attention-grabbing and informative.

This book is packed with over 700 unique and interesting headlines taken from the covers of some of the most popular tabloid magazines of the decade. These headlines are sure to spark your creativity and help you come up with the perfect headline for your project.

Tabloid Covers - Great Headline Ideas eBook

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The headlines featured in this book range from playful to humorous to downright outrageous. Whether you’re looking for a headline for a blog post, article, or advertisement, you’ll find something to fit your needs.

The 1990s were a time when tabloid magazines really began to take off, and this book is a great way to explore some of the most iconic headlines of the decade.

Each headline is accompanied by a short description of the story behind the headline, providing you with an even more in-depth look into the tabloid culture of the 1990s.

In addition, this book provides detailed analysis of the techniques used to create these headlines, and how you can use them to create compelling headlines of your own.

Whether you’re a student of journalism, an aspiring tabloid writer, or just someone looking for some creative headline ideas, this book is sure to provide you with plenty of entertainment and inspiration.

So, if you’re looking for some great headline ideas, look no further than Tabloid Covers of the 1990s – Great Headline Ideas. With over 700 unique and entertaining headlines to explore, you’re sure to find something that will help you create the perfect headline for your project.

To Your Success,

Ali Khan
Founder & CEO of Dough Funnels

P.S. Whether you’re looking for a headline for a blog post, article, or advertisement, you’ll find something to fit your needs.

P.P.S Learn how to capture readers’ attention with clever and eye-catching titles.

Tabloid Covers - Great Headline Ideas eBook

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