Discover how to generate more inquiries and new business opportunities than you could ever hope to handle … starting in 90 days.
With your new “Instant Sales Lead Machine,” you’ll be able to quickly and easily….
- Eliminate cold calling – by having potential customers and clients come to you rather than you going to them.
- Double or triple response rates – to direct mail, print ads, e-mail marketing, and all other forms of lead generation.
- Generate more sales leads than you could ever hope to handle – so your new business pipeline is always filled to overflowing.
- Eliminate “brochure collectors” and other “non-prospects” – so your salespeople spend time only with qualified buyers.
- Close more and bigger sales, more often – by converting more inquirers into customers.
Dear Marketer,
Michelle and Thomas are both in the same business.
It really doesn’t matter what business this is, but as it happens, they are both management consultants.
Thomas is constantly living on the edge – always worried where his next client, his next project, his next check will come from.
He has a few semi-regular clients, but they don’t give him enough work to fill his book of business.
His lead flow is irregular. Whenever the phone rings with a potential new client, it’s a red-letter day for Thomas.
He gets incredibly excited and hopeful … then nervous when the prospect doesn’t return his calls … then crushed when the business doesn’t come through.
Michelle, by comparison, has a constant, steady flow of sales leads – potential clients interested in her services – all year long.
Because she has more clients wanting to hire her than she could possibly handle, she can pick and choose which ones she wants to work with … and which to turn away.
Also because she has so many people clamoring for her services, she charges – and commands — top dollar for her services.
If a prospect balks at her price and asks her to sharpen her pencil, it’s no deal.
“I already have many more people wanting to buy what I am selling, at full price,” she explains politely. “Why should I want to reduce my price to get you as a customer?”
Thomas, on the other hand, is constantly haggling over price with potential clients … and, because he needs the business, frequently lowers his fees just to close the sale.

What made the difference?
Two things, actually.
First, Michelle has a lead-generating machine: a marketing program that generates a consistent, reliable flow of leads whenever she turns it on.
Thomas doesn’t. He does some advertising, some speaking, some writing to promote his business. But most of these efforts just don’t seem to generate much activity.
When asked why he even does these things, which cut into his time and money, Thomas says his marketing is “good for my image” and “helps get the word out.”
Second, Michelle has her lead-generating marketing program running all year long. Even when she doesn’t need the business. Especially when she doesn’t need the business.
“It helps me avoid the crisis-lull-crisis rhythm that rules so many small businesses,” says Michelle.
“If, when you get busy, you say ‘I’m too busy and don’t need to market anymore,’ then you’re not cultivating leads that will turn into sales 6 months from today — precisely when you need them.
“So when you’ve filled all the current orders, you look up, and suddenly – you need to generate more business again. But if you start marketing yourself again only when you need the work, you’ll have a slow period until it yields fruit.”
Generate all the sales leads you need – once difficult, now easy!
In my audio program, The Instant Sales Lead Machine, I share with you proven, utterly pragmatic methods you can use to quickly and easily generate large volumes of qualified leads that convert at high percentage rates into sales … starting in as little as 90 days!
Based on over a quarter of a century of experience, my arsenal of battle-proven marketing tools enables you to create your own “Instant Sales Lead Machine.”
Your Instant Sales Lead Machine will be much like the ones I’ve helped Michele’s business — and hundreds of companies ranging from solopreneurs to Fortune 500 corporations – put together over the years. Only at a fraction of the price they paid!
By following my tested marketing methods – which I GUARANTEE that you can duplicate with ease – you can get your phone ringing off the hook with inquiries, orders, leads, and new business … more projects and assignments than you could ever hope to handle.

In The Instant Sales Lead Machine, you’ll discover:
- Why your business needs a “lead machine” – a single tested, proven promotion that generates lots of great sales leads you need every time you “pull the handle.”
- A proven 4-step process for reaching out to total strangers, motivating them to contact you about your product or service, and getting them to buy.
- The percentage of leads generated by an Instant Sales Lead Machine that typically convert to sales – and how to double, even triple, your conversion rates.
- How to write and design a postcard … double postcards … and other self-mailers for lead generation – and the best response vehicles to use for each.
- When creating a lead-generating direct mail package, do you need a letter and envelope only? Must you have a business reply card? How about a sales brochure?
- Hire top direct mail list consultants to find the best mailing lists for you. Their fee? Nada. It’s free!
- What if I mail to a list once? How soon can I mail again and what do I send – the same mailing or a new mailing?
- The cheapest print media on the planet for generating sales leads and how to use them: classified ads. Plus, how to reduce the cost of running every classified ad you write.
- How to use full-page ads and free-standing inserts to bring qualified prospects to your door in droves.
- A small town insurance agent’s amazing secret for writing Yellow Pages ads that get your phone ringing off the hook.
- Dialing for dollars: how to turn your telephone into an electronic sales lead-generating machine.
- Go to a trade show and walk away with your pockets stuffed full of sales leads – business cards from prospects who have a need for what you are selling – and the money to pay for it.
- Simple press release trick gets newspaper and magazine editors to ask their readers to send inquiries to your company about your product or service. Perfectly legitimate.
- Smart entrepreneur sells more than a million dollars worth of juicers from a 20-minute radio interview using this winning technique. Use it when you promote yourself on TV and radio and watch the inquiries fly like snowflakes in a blizzard.
- How to generate leads and traffic on your Web site with Google Adwords and other pay-per-click advertising … at the lowest possible cost per click.
- The awful truth about banner ads … and the other, often-neglected type of online advertising that works much, much better.
- How to send e-mails to other people’s lists … at about one-tenth the cost other marketers pay to distribute their e-mail messages to those exact same names.
- Straight talk about search engine optimization: what every Internet marketer needs to know.
- The 2 things you MUST do to generate a steady stream of referral leads from your customers.
- How to write an article that generates 10 times as many leads as articles that other marketers write.
- An introvert’s guide to successful business networking. Also: what to do if you hate networking and never want to do it.
- Promote yourself through public speaking … and capture leads from 50% to 95% of the qualified prospects in your audience with the “green sheet” method every time you give a talk.
- The absolute easiest, simplest, sure-fire way to double your inquiries from every lead-generating promotion you send out.
- How to create “bait pieces” – free content offers – that can generate dozens, even hundreds of leads for you … online and offline.
- How do you balance lead quantity vs. quality – and increase whichever one is most important to you?
- Tips on planning your lead-generating marketing campaigns to achieve maximum results.
- The MAD “F.U.” formula for qualifying sales leads. Ask every prospect these 5 critical questions. If they won’t answer, you’re wasting your time.
- Best software for managing your sales leads on your PC. Also: my easy-to-use, dirt-cheap system for tracking leads on paper. Ideal for low-tech entrepreneurs.
- The 5 most important metrics to measure when evaluating the ROMD (return on marketing dollars) from your lead machine.
- 7 proven closers that can help you convert more inquiries into orders.
- The single most important thing you can do to increase lead generation results. Thousands of marketers nationwide are neglecting this vital step.
- The 6 most powerful free offers that can increase response to your sales-lead generating promotions. Can you name them all?
- Has the Internet changed lead generation – and made salespeople and sales leads obsolete? The answer may surprise you.
- The most effective response options for lead-generating promotions: should you just offer one option … two … three … or all six in each of your marketing campaigns?
Thank you for the generous gift that you sent me, the Lead Generation Course. I’ve been listening to it non stop for the past week, and it’s chuck full of valuable information. There are so many great ideas, tips, tricks, and techniques, that I’m sure that applying your ideas to my business will yield significant results.
–Richard Ladson
Best of all, you don’t need a large staff, a big marketing budget, or special skills or talents to create your own Instant Sales Lead Machine. Virtually all of the steps you can do yourself.
Praise for Bob Bly and The Instant Sales Lead Machine
The Instant Sales Lead Machine has been completely updated and professionally recorded on 5 long-playing audio programs.
There’s no lengthy manual to read or boring workbook to complete. You can master the entire lead-generation process … in about a week … while listening in your car as you drive to and from work each day. It’s that easy!
Here’s what people have said about Bob Bly’s lead-generating methods and techniques…
“Thanks for sending the lead-gen machine audios. I listened to them over the weekend and learned some things I didn’t know before. Great stuff. Every minute was filled with useful facts and practical information. I was really impressed.”
–Steve Slaunwhite,
“Bob Bly helped us produce over 8% response in less than 2 months. Not only did we get good numbers, we got inquiries from the cream of the crop on our target list. And, we generated about 350% increase in dollar business over the previous year.”
–Sheila Anderson, Commercial Property Services
“Bly is particularly great when he talks about business-to-business marketing. He covers how to make offers in your copy… particularly the tried-and-true free booklet offer. You will become an expert in these after reading this book. I also very much liked the section on marketing via seminars… and even marketing on the Internet.”
–John Dunbar
Save thousands of dollars right off the bat!

What does it cost to generate sales leads?
Well, you could hire a marketing consultant to put a marketing plan together for you … and pay as much as $10,000 or more.
But so many marketing consultants today are focused on branding and image – and are woefully ignorant of how to fill up your company’s pipeline of potential new business.
Or, you could hire a top professional copywriter to write an ad, mailing, or e-mail marketing campaign for you … at several thousand dollars a pop.
And even then, there’s no guarantee of success. Should you not get the results you want, there’s no refund … and your $1,000, $2,000, or $5,000 is down the toilet.
But you won’t pay a thousand dollars … or even a hundred dollars … to put The Instant Sales Lead Machine to work in your business generating leads by the bushel for you.
That’s because my Instant Sales Lead Machine home-study audio learning system is available for just $77 (a $20 savings off the regular price)… an amount you can easily blow in one evening for drinks and dinner for two in a nice restaurant.
Or for faster delivery and greater savings, you can immediately download The Instant Sales Lead Machine as an audio file that you can play on your iPod or any other mp3 player for only $47.
You get the best of my quarter of a century of accumulated experience and tested methods in lead generation … for less than I charge clients for just 15 minutes of my time.
If you know business, you know that’s a great deal.
And unlike marketing consultants, ad agencies, and copywriters, I DO guarantee your success with The Instant Sales Lead Machine.
To Your Success,
Ali Khan
Founder & CEO of Dough Funnels
Use it for 90 days & watch your business transform.
PS: That’s right. If, after reviewing The Instant Sales Lead Machine, you don’t have more sales leads than you could ever hope to handle ..
So, what are you waiting for?
PPS: In 90 days or sooner, you could be sitting with a mountain of reply cards on your desk … your phone ringing off the hook … your fax machine churning out pages of inquiries … and a ton of e-mails …
… all from qualified prospects with a burning desire to solve their problem … and learn how your product or service can help them do just that.
To order The Instant Sales Lead Machine on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, click button now.